Global Brand Strategist

Alexei Orlov: The Story Of The Priest Turned Strategist

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Leaders are our guides towards hope. They help us feel valued and integral in an organization. Leaders are not born but made, this is something we have heard a lot, but for some, that is not the case. Just like the person who was pulled towards priesthood to guide people on their spiritual journey and helped them feel valued and a fundamental part of the world, in general, was born to be a leader. We are talking about none other than Alexei Orlov.

The Initial Learnings:

  • The global marketing strategist believes that the time spent at seminary was an integral part of his development as a leader. He believes that the priesthood provides man the tools to be a great leader and, this was the primer to his business success. After been parted from the world of divinity, Alexei Orlov found his true calling.
  • The first job he had was that of a merchandiser. This job allowed him to be creative and explore an entirely new side to his personality. He developed his team working skills and some practical business skills during this time.
  • After this Orlov, never looked back. He took positions that allowed him to be creative. He was bent on developing mature thinking about every phase of business. And turn every opportunity into entrepreneurial learning.

The Success Of Brand Activation

The New Artist In Town:

Alexei took the business world by its horns. ROCQM and MCW was the first business he built from the ground of this company. It was a jackpot and achieved enormous profits. The acquisition had an impact on him. Soon, this was the only type of business model he landed. He acquired top-notch businesses on the cusp of disaster and turned them into money-making machines. The business world had found a new artist.